Well..most of you that have followed my blog, know about the challenges in getting a sewer pumped here in the village. I know my sewer is approaching the full status, so I decided to try and beat the system and call before it reaches capacity. I called a few days ago and asked to get it pumped. I had to laugh because the response I received was "We are on hold, there are snow drifts in the way" Not a shocking response:) However on my way home from work today I was pleasantly surprised to see them backing up to my sewer tank to pump it out. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. One of the guys who pumps sewers was knocking to say...."Your tank is frozen, you'll have to plug it in" Again....what else is there to do, but laugh. They will hopefully come back next week to pump it. I'm thankful that I've learned how to conserve water; and if I don't have water, the school is right next door :)
Many things to thank God for, and to smile about.
This morning brought another incredible sunrise and mountains were again visible in the distance. The day looks beautiful though is deceptively cold much of the day windchills are still -20's F or -30's C. I think kids are getting spring fever, they are more restless and ready to be out in fresh air, rather than cooped up inside.
This weekend brings about a weekend, full of lesson planning, writing papers, and writing IEP's . It should also bring around some nice weather, and maybe some time to go walking, or maybe if I'm lucky a ride in the sled ;)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
1 comment:
Although i have not a ride in the sled,i believe that it must be so cool.
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