Sunday, May 13, 2007

Break Up

The river has been breaking up and huge chunks of ice have been flowing out for the past several days. Each day I go down by the airport it looks a little bit different. Here are some pictures I took last night.

The crystals in one chunk of ice, very pretty :)

notice that the ice isn't just a flat piece that flows out but a few feet deep

Gathering river water and ice to use at home

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

National Teacher Appreciation Week

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all teachers. Thanks for a job well done. To my co-workers, I'm privileged to work with you. Thanks for a great year :)

Today Frank told us we had a mandatory meeting and students were dismissed at 2:34 with a staff meeting to be held in the gym at 2:46. Pizza was flown out from Bethel by the superintendent....a tasty treat :) and Frank purchased gifts for all of us. This year we received briefcase bag things and a three year calendar. The bags are forest green ("to blend in with the grass here in the summer time") and have "Tuntutuliak Education Team" embroidered on them..thanks Frank. We are blessed to have a good boss; you could never pay me enough to take his job.

Days continue to get longer, last night it was dark but not black well after midnight. When I woke up around 5 this morning there was visible light and by 5:20 am it was fairly bright. Today brought more snow flurries along with rain...for a slushy dreary day. Only 12 more days to get up early.

Someone broke into the Post Office over the weekend so we will not receive mail until further notice (after an investigation).

Enjoy the rest of your week :)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Longer Days :)

The new water treatment plant is up and running :) You'd be surprised how nice CLEAR water looks.

The building at the airport (remodeled thanks to the hs class)

We went for a lovely walk a few nights ago around 10pm. Walked down to the airport,the air was crisp as it has cooled off again (even a few snowflakes the other day). The sun radiated down and lit everything up. With the breaking river and melting ponds everything was simply beautiful. As a friend shared with me when I sent some pics and as she tells her sunday school kids.."God could have made everything Black and white and gray....but He didn't....Ya know why???? He loves us, so He gave us all these beautiful things to see!"

Isn't the scenery pretty? Taken around 10 pm

I'm constantly reminded of the beauty and intricacy in the beauty around me; and reminded we should slow down and appreciate what's around us. Not always wish for more, wish for what we're familiar with but enjoy what we have here while we have it.

The river is starting to break up

Little kids wanted to try the camera, and kept saying "Picture Me" :)

Joann, Marie and a little one near 10 pm (look at how light it is)

This picture of the pond and sun was taken about 10:20 pm

This beautiful sunset picture was taken around 11 pm.

Have a great week, find time to have fun and relax and enjoy your surroundings :)