Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hat Day

Today found us with a fresh layer of beautiful snow on the ground :) It's so exciting winter has come :)---remind me of that in a few months ;)

This morning when Rocky and I headed out for our morning walk, we encountered a fox next to the school...Frank warned us to be cautious. He borrowed my flashlight to scare it off and try to see if it was healthy. When he turned around to come back towards the school the fox would turn around and follow him. Frank said "be careful, it'll attack your dog" Rocky and I continued on to meet Kat, as we walked the fox would sneak up behind us, I would shine my flashlight and throw snow at it to try and scare it off. It continued to come within 6-8 feet of us. I was more worried about Rocky and the fox getting into a fight, or playing together, and since many foxes here have rabies, I prefer to be safe rather than sorry.

Today for spirit week we had hat day---there were many cute hats :)Maat--isn't such a fan of paperwork and "putzy" stuff :) but is a good helper anyway.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Crazy Hair

This week we have school spirit week, and it will be a long work week as we have Saturday school. We will have a halloween carnival on Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. It should be a fun and exhausting week.
For school spirit week we have a little bit of something happening every day,

today was crazy hair day
Tuesday: hat day
Wednesday: school spirit/team sports color day
Thursday: Backwards day
Friday: Quspaq day
Saturday: Halloween costume day
We have officially finished first quarter and will have parent teacher conferences this week. Christmas will soon be here--hard to believe.
Today I got my school computer back; it was sent off last December. They managed to back up my hard drive so all my pictures and music, papers and important documents were recovered. (A pleasant surprise as I was told all would be lost) :) It is so much faster than the student computer I was using; makes all my paperwork go much more efficiently, not to mention the screen is two times bigger.
Well...I'll try to update again this week. Have a great day :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pumping Fuel

Suprisingly enough the snow has decided to stick around :) I'm anticipating the freezing of the river...it makes it easier to access everything, and you can escape from some of the kids if you'd like.

Yesterday I received a new classroom door--part of the continued school rennovations. It is currently one of the ugliest doors I've ever seen; but i guess doors don't need to be attractive just functional. I think the painters will be back to paint the doors and casing which will brighten things up a bit :) Construction workers continue to keep long hours starting work around 4:30-5:00 and working til 7 am. Iain and the guys seem to be making great progress on the sewer pipes they are working on. I'll try to post pictures of the wooden casing in the near future.

Today some people from YKHC (the hospital) were here to dicuss diabetes with the kids and to do free blood sugar screenings for all the staff. Kat was having a "how sweet are you" discussion at breakfast time.

The School Wheels :) and the fuel pumping trailer

Upon arriving home from work this afternoon I felt my house was a bit chilly. Frank's out of town and I thought now might be a good time to try and figure things out instead of waiting til 1 tonight to really notice the cool house. I gave Nick a call and he came over and we pumped (well..i mostly watched) 200 gallons of fuel into my tank, but the boiler didn't come on so Nick gave Mark (the maintanance man) a call he came over to "bleed" the air out. The house is still cold but should warm up soon. :)

The Fuel is pumped from the above tank to the trailer and then pumped to my tank(below). Mark's job doesn't sound very thrilling :P Thanks to Nick and Mark for coming to the rescue tonight :)

Last night Dave hauled water and asked if I needed any. I filled my tank and he did all the work with the hoses it was very sweet of him to do that for Pam and I. Agan I'm blessed with wonderful co-workers and neighbors.

On another note....the mouse deterrant I ordered arrived in the mail yesterday. It has a lovely pine smell. I placed four bags in my kitchen and haven't seen a mouse since then. I pray that this will help; I really am not fond of those little buggers.

Time to scoot, enjoy the rest of your week :)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

First Snowfall and a Beautiful Morning :)

Each Friday I have a cooking class for two hours in my home. This past Friday we made a breakfast pizza, some carmel rolls and had some mixed (canned) fruit. :)

Mixing "goop" for the carmel rolls--he was so amazed at how we just mixed things together and they "taste pretty good" :) He also asked "where do you get the ideas for this stuff?" LOL

Cracking the eggs to mix and scramble for the Breakfast Pizza
Maat "hard at work"

On Friday it started snowing, hard with big flakes; it was so pretty. While we were at my house cooking I looked out the living room window and this is what I saw of the first snowfall :) It continued throughout the day and into the evening. :)

The snowfall out my front door on Friday night :)

Taken from my back steps this morning--Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

Taken from my back steps this morning. Pictures cannot come close to captivating God's splendor :)

My Back Yard-Breathtaking