Monday, August 21, 2006

some new house pics

It's been a busy week since I last posted.

Nick came the other day and installed a rain gutter on my house, the rain gutter feeds into my water tank in the bathroom. The next morning it rained and my tank was full of beautiful rain water. I am blessed to work with so many wonderful people, people who genuinely care and who just do random acts of kindness.

Last week was filled with the monotony of inservice and a work day. All staff was invited over to Josh and Melissa's on Thursday night for an all staff potluck, we had some tasty berry akutaq (eskimo ice cream) and numerous kinds of salmon.

School started on Friday (the 18th) and we only went until noon. The weekend was way too short and I didn't get nearly enough done. I think the new teachers are feeling overwhelmed, they spent all day saturday and all day sunday in the school.

My computer was acting goofy and the district tech. person sent it in to apple...i'm hoping it will be back before long. All of our SpEd. scheduling is done..WHOHOO!! this was a HUGE headache last year. I'm very excited about this year and the way things are balanced out it shouldn't be nearly as stressful.

It is amazing to come back as a second year teacher. We (Kat and I) see the village in a whole new light. The village is viewed as home and it is so beautiuful, last year we missed the natural beauty of the fall. We have seen the importance of stopping and taking time to enjoy things, and though school is important it's not our life.

This past weekend Travis hooked up the first radio to ever be broadcast from Tunt. Yesterday we were listening to what I call Travis FM. He is very excited and it's fun to be able to turn on the radio and hear something.

On saturday someone called and asked if I wanted a salmon--I said sure. Needless to say I know nothing about cutting or cooking fish. Nick came over and showed me how to gut the fish and cut it up, we'll see if I can figure it out next time. :)

The new thing in the game Nick brought back with him. It's called "settlers of Catan" or "seafarers of Catan" we have played at least one game every day (minus one) since we've been back.

Well I'm just rambling now, Enjoy the pictures.


David M. Miller said...

Isn't Nick great? I mean really- I'll never forget when he fixed my cable... he's just tht kind of guy. Glad you're off to a good start!

David M. Miller said...

Hey, I wanted to apologize for the cigarette smoke smell I caused by living in that place before you moved in. I eventually quit smoking. I was glad to see the place eventually got at least partially renovated.