Thursday, August 31, 2006

Today was beautiful, sunny and warm; there was a slight breeze so the no-see-ums(little gnats that come in swarms and they bite) weren't bad tonight. :) Filled up my water tank and put away some of my groceries that I ordered (sad when you get a box of groceries and are excited) :) Kat, Joann and I went for a lovely walk tonight.

Yesterday I brought some of my girls over to bake--we usually do this once a week. We made two batches of chocolate chip cookies. They had some to take back to school for staff and some to take home to their parents. They have been asking all week when they would bake, and today they asked again if they were going to make cookies. I had to tell them six more sleeps. :)

This was a LONG week at school, I think everyone is a bit tired trying to readjust to the school schedule and trying to get organized. Sickness has started to plague staff...Kat has been sick all week, Greg and Melissa, and the new teachers have all been sick or are getting sick.

Yesterday our new speech and language pathologist came for a visit. She is very sweet, helpful and efficient. We've had almost an entire turn over in our SpEd staff from the district office this year. It'll be interesting to see who the new staff is and how policies may change.

Saturday is considered a work day for us in preparation for parent teacher conferences. However we have Monday off....most of us are ready for a three day weekend; still getting back into routine. :) Next weekend I start some of my SpEd. meetings and then parent teacher conferences and back to Bethel for inservice.

I had a four wheeler lesson the other day from Maat, will be expecting another one in the near future ;) --Jo you'd like it.

The tundra is turning more and more red, the little white tufts that look like cotton are starting to disappear and days are getting shorter. Days have been warm and breezy, great to go for walks and to air out the house.

Some of the high school students have transferred out and some of them are getting ready to start classes at Mt. Edgecombe boarding school in Sitka. There's been a lot of discussion among staff/community about the phase system lately; wonder where things will be 3 years from now.

Today found some of my students and I out on the playground in an intense game of tag, Was a lot of fun and a welcome break. Speaking of TAG's the TAG game Kat and I started last year has resumed. Kat got me the other day, she thinks we should tag the new teacher-I'm not so sure about that; at least until I know her a little bit. All and all the mischievious duo has been pretty laid back this year. We're hoping to get some better reactions out of certain people this year. :)

Kat came over tonight and we hung out for awhile, it's nice having our own places but we miss getting together. We made homemade pizza and just chit chatted light heartedly.

I get my computer back on tuesday and hopefully will be able to post some more pictures of village life.

Have a wonderful week. :)

Oh..I've been reading the book and doing the study "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" by John and Stasi Eldredge--I would recommend it for all my female friends, it's an excellent book.

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