Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The only thing I can say is WHO-HOO!!! I feel like I've just finished a week of finals.

After about 15 hours of paperwork preparation and testing of a student. I had my biggest IEP meeting to date. I feel so much lighter and more relaxed now that I have that out of the way :) I have also completed my training for the alternate assessment....good reasons to celebrate I'd say :)

Now, the remaining task at hand is to catch up on my homework and I'm good to go.

Hmmm...other news....the washeteria has closed down indefinitely. This means that there is no laundromat for the people to use. The school washers have become more busy than ever.

This morning we had another incredible sunrise, and it was so clear once again the mountains were visible in the distance. Sun was coming up by the time I left for work, days are getting longer :). I wish I could try to explain the sunrises and sunsets; God has done an amazing job with His creation.

Happy Wednesday, have a wonderful day!!

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