Thursday, September 28, 2006

Almost Friday

What a whirlwind week...speech language pathologist was here yesterday and today...she has had a lot of helpful information and been great with the kids; she's been teaching me a lot of new things. :) One of my one on one aides had jury duty this week, it's difficult to find a sub for their positions; it makes for a crazy irregular week. Today marked the completion of the district wide writing assessment. Hard to believe how fast this year is flying by. I've been fighting a migraine since about last Friday; have a lot of work to catch up on as a result.

Tonight Joann was here, she helped make bread and then we went for a nice walk.

Yesterday a barge was here, unloading gas. Tunt purchased their first propane tank this summer and another one came on the barge. The barges are huge, and quite impressive. There should be another headed for Tunt. loaded with our water treatment supplies.

Frank is in hopes of connecting the older teacher housing to the main sewer system when the guys are here to install the water treatment system. Currently he pays to get our sewers pumped once a week. It costs $67 per tank per week.

Weather continues to cool we had more rain (again, nice for the dwindling water tank) the boardwalks are getting slippery around 8:30-9:00 when it cools off.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Nice picture of Joann, nice to see a face for the person I have chatted with a couple times :)