Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today was crazy..and my routine was... well...far from normal. One of my kids who occupies a great portion of my time was sent home yesterday with a fever and flu like symptoms. Today I walked a student home that had pink eye, not just in one eye like yesterday but in both eyes. Needless to say half an hour later the student was back in school.

No baking was done today, I had two aides who needed jobs and a pretty free afternoon....Our classroom is very well stocked with TONS of stuff from the DO (district office) all of it is nice and useful but adds a lot of clutter to the room. So I had my aids start pulling stuff out this morning and cleaning cupboards. They did an awesome job, cupboards look much better and I have things that will be useful that I hadn't ever seen. We had boxes of stuff stored up on top of our cupboards and were able to find a home for much of that stuff. We decided we were done for the day a little after four. I have two incredible one on one aides, they are very helpful, listen when I tell them what needs to be done, and know how to brighten one's day. Sometimes they know me too well--and can come up with something out of the blue that embarrasses me beyond belief..oh well, guess it's part of life huh? :)

I received another fish today, this one is a white fish and is much smaller than the salmon. It came fully gutted; thank goodness. :) By the time I leave here I should have perfected the skill of fish cooking. It'd be fun to learn how to cut fish as well.
Speaking of cutting Alaska many people use what they call an Uluaq (sorry, may be spelled incorrectly). They are called an ulu for short. Last year I purchased one from a friend. I was hesitant because of the cost, but have learned to really like it. It works great for chopping nuts and vegetables. Our school cook uses one for chopping up tomatoes, or meat all the time.
My Ulu--If you turn the Ulu upside down you will notice that it is shaped
like a walrus.

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